The Wood Element
Springtime is ‘Wood Element’ time for three months from late March until June. The three months of spring are considered a time of renewal and very expansive energy. The old, stale sort of air of winter is dissipating. So, let’s try to leave any bad energies, anxieties, and more behind as we step into spring and let ourselves blossom to the best we can!
The Water Element
Many qualities associated with Chinese medicine are very poetic, but they still manage to describe a lot about what is going on within each individual element on a very deep level. Looking at the water element, we want to first understand the spiritual/consciousness qualities of water referred to as the “Zhi.”
Fire Element - the warming heart
Although we are supremely focused on the 5 elements in Chinese medicine, the fact is that the elements have been part of the history of every worldwide health related system.
Autumn and the Metal Element
In Chinese Medicine, Autumn is the season of the Metal element and when we’re talking about metal, we’re talking primarily about the lungs/large intestine relationship. We all know how important our lungs are for breath. Breath is life. The lung network is very important within metal.